A Guide to Cleaning and Storing Your Skiing Glasses

While carving and skiing through the snow on any bring day is fun, a blur or foggy pair of skiing glasses can quickly turn a day from good to bad. That’s why proper care and cleaning of your ski goggles are essential for maintaining optimal performance and a long lifespan. Let’s take a look at how to keep your skiing glasses crystal clear, ensuring you see every bump and turn with total clarity.

Cleaning Your Skiing Glasses

Tempting as it may be to grab a paper towel or your ski jacket sleeve to wipe away snow or a stray smudge, resist the urge! Skiing glasses have delicate coatings on the lenses, and harsh chemicals, household cleaners, or abrasive materials can damage them.

Your best friend for cleaning your skiing glasses is a microfiber cloth. These soft cloths are specifically designed to pick up dust and grime without scratching the lens surface. Here’s how to tackle both the inner and outer lenses:

Focus on the Outside First: Start by cleaning the outer lens with a dry microfiber cloth. Gently wipe away any dirt, smudges, or leftover snowflakes. Avoid using circular motions, as this can trap debris and potentially scratch the lens. Instead, use a back-and-forth wiping motion.

Cleaning the Inside: The inner lens of your skiing glasses typically has an anti-fog coating. Excessive cleaning can actually wear down this coating and make your goggles fog up more easily. Therefore, only clean the inner lens when absolutely necessary; for example, if it becomes excessively foggy despite proper ventilation.

When cleaning the inner lens, use a damp microfiber cloth with clean water. Avoid using any soaps or detergents as they can leave residue that can further promote fogging. After cleaning, gently pat the lens dry with a fresh, dry microfiber cloth to ensure there’s no moisture left behind.

skiing glasses

Storing Your Ski Goggles

After a day of shredding the slopes, it’s tempting to simply toss your goggles back in your ski bag. But a little extra care goes a long way in keeping them in top shape.

Let Them Breathe: After a day of skiing, sweat and moisture can build up inside the goggles. That’s why you should allow them to air dry completely before storing them. Leaving them out overnight or stuffing them with a dry, absorbent cloth will help remove any lingering moisture.

Avoid Lens Contact: When not in use, avoid storing your skiing glasses with anything touching the lenses. Leaving them pressed against your helmet or other gear can cause scratches.

Goggle Case: Invest in a good quality, breathable goggle case for proper storage. This will protect your goggles from dust, scratches, and accidental crushing. Look for a case with vents to allow for air circulation.

Temperature Matters: Extreme temperatures can affect the performance of your skiing glasses. Avoid storing them in very hot or cold places, as this can potentially warp the frame or damage the lens coatings.

By following these simple tips for cleaning and storing your skiing glasses, you can ensure they stay crystal clear and function flawlessly, season after season.

For extra protection and to maintain the anti-fog coating, consider using a lens cleaning spray specifically designed for ski goggles. These sprays are formulated to be gentle on the delicate coatings while effectively removing dirt and grime.


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